Started donating to the children's home

        Starting from June 1st, 2016, and every June 1st thereafter, our company has been donating various items to a children's welfare home. The home aims to provide these children with a loving and nurturing environment, as well as access to basic needs such as clothing, food, education, and medical care.

        For the past few years, our company has been committed to supporting the children's welfare home in numerous ways. We have donated funds to help improve the living conditions of the children, such as purchasing new toys and educational resources. We have also donated essential items such as clothing, food, and hygiene products to ensure that the children have access to basic needs.

       The donations and support from our company have had a significant impact on the children's welfare home and the children it serves. The donations have helped improve the quality of life for the children, providing them with necessary items and resources that they might not otherwise have access to. The support from our employees has also provided an opportunity for the children to receive love and attention from people outside of the home, which has been instrumental in their emotional well-being and growth.

      Moving forward, our company plans to continue its support for the children's welfare home. We will continue to donate funds and essential items to ensure that the children have access to basic needs and resources. We will also continue to organize employee volunteer days and fundraising activities to provide additional support to the children's welfare home.

